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Europan 16


How can this island of breathtaking contrasts become place where industrial activity and all forms of life complement one another?


Risøy has always been the economic engine of Haugesund. As a vibrant interface between the local and global economy, Risøy is a place where civil society and industrial activity always existed side by side. That balance has gradually been upset: the industrial activity has been scaled up, whereas the historical residential area has been neglected. The island is bursting with unique locations and dramatic contrasts, but the streets are devoid of activity, and its public spaces are run down.

The residents of the iconic island of Risøy are proud of their identity but face challenges with respect to standards of living, infrastructure and access to services. How can this industrial island of breathtaking contrasts become a better place to live, where the industrial activity and daily life complement one another?

Risøy is in need of a public space strategy that accommodates the pulsating flows of workers, cruise passengers, goods and machines that pass through the island and at the same time gives special care to the few remaining ecosystems and the vulnerable groups living on the island.

Haugesund has entered Europan before and in 2020 received the Housing - and Town plan price for their 10 year long engagement with the implementation of the winning entry from Europan 11. The municipality now trusts Europan with their next large town planning process on the island Risøy - a site that invites entrants to envision both the big picture and detailed local interventions in order to weave the large- and small scale together into a functioning whole.


Design a strategy that will enable Risøy to become a thriving neighbourhood once again.

The strategy should include an overall vision and a series of individual projects demonstrating how the strategy can be implemented gradually.

Entrants should prioritise addressing the problem of low standards of living by actively improving conditions for vulnerable groups and the few remaining ecosystems on the island.

The key will be to systematically think about all types of living environments to create an infrastructure that works for humans and non-humans alike.


Submitted projects