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What is Europan?

Europan Norway offers a comprehensive early stage innovation process for urban planning, built around the international architecture competition Europan.

What is Europan?

Vi ser etter tomter for 2024-2025

Har du en tomt, et byområde eller tettsted med komplekse utfordringer, eller med behov for innovative idéer? 

Ta kontakt med Europan-sekretariatet. Vi kommer på befaring og går i dialog for å vurdere om Europan er rett verktøy for deres problemstilling. 

Europan er en innovasjonsprosess for by- og stedsutvikling bygget rundt det Europeiske nettverket og arkitektkonkurransen Europan. 3-5 norske steder får plass i Europan hver runde, som går over 2 år.

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Tomter for Europan 18 velges ut løpende frem til høsten 2024.

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  • Bjørnar Skaar Haveland portrait.

    Bjørnar Skaar Haveland (NO)

    General Secretary of Europan Norway

Europan Norway

Europan Norway is a non-profit foundation organising the Europan competition in Norway. Europan Norway was founded in 2003 by Cornelius Brekke.

The board of Europan Norway consists of Bergen School of Architecture, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Design and Architecture Norway and The National Association of Norwegian Architects. 

Europan Norway is financed by its clients and partners, and the Norwegian Ministry of Culture

Europan Europe

The Europan network is coordinated from a central secreteriat in Paris. Europan Europe manages the competition portal, organize conferances, decides the theme and create publications. The national secretariats in each country finds the site partners, work with them to develop the questions for the competition, create the compeition briefs, organize the jury process locally and follow up each site and the winning teams after.

Check out the Europan-Europe website