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Meet + play + learn

A car-free town centre, a reinforced and continuous green-blue infrastructure from the fjord, crossing the town and over the rail barrier to the further neighbourhoods, an iconic new library/community building which reinterprets Levanger historic architecture in a contemporary way.

A car-free town centre, a reinforced and continuous green-blue infrastructure from the fjord, crossing the town and over the rail barrier to the further neighbourhoods, an iconic new library/community building which reinterprets Levanger historic architecture in a contemporary way, becomes an attraction and offering a unique range of activities: these are the ingredients that the project ‘meet-play-learn’ adopts to re-activate and revitalize this unique wooden town, dense of heritage and potential for new future synergies. Community activities, participatory design, citizen-led events, and all people of any background and age can finally find a fertile ground to shape a resilient and high-quality vibrant and stunning town. Let’s ‘meet, play and learn'!


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