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The ideal city

Nobody likes car-orientated big-box urbanism. Its cheap architecture and unthought urban fabric are no less than climatic, humane and aesthetic catastrophes.


Nobody likes car-orientated big-box urbanism. Its cheap architecture and unthought urban fabric are no less than climatic, humane and aesthetic catastrophes. Nonetheless, this urban typology is probably one of the most prevalent worldwide.In the current era of impending climate collapse, efficient use of resources is a necessity. The demolition of these urban fabrics is unthinkable. Therefore, we must learn to refit them to future uses, making their architectural typologies more efficient as well as the lifestyles they entail more durable. This is a bare minimum.Beyond this, however, might we consider actually finding qualities in these spaces? Might we be inspired by their style, scale, expression? Could we transform these urban developments into something we might actually love?


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