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Jun 29, 2022

E16 prize ceremony

More than 40 young award winning architects from all parts of the world arrived in Bergen for a night of sharing and celebrating.

The main room at Bioregion Institute in Bergen was packed on the 9t of june 2022 for the E16 awards ceremony. The focus of the night was sharing ideas, celebrating the diversity and quality of the projects, handing out prizes, networking and facilitating meetings between the site representatives and the participants. The members of the awarded teams come from places as far away as Australia and Vietnam, and more than 40 of them made it to Bergen for the event. 


The night started with drinks and opening of an exhibition showcasing all the awarded projects. Special for this session of Europan in Norway was that the jury had selected a record number of special mentions. 

What followed was a marathon petcha kutcha where first all the special mentions presented their projects, then the runner-ups and finally the winners presenting their projects at the end of the night. 

From the jury Øystein Rø, Aga Skorupka and Nina Lundvall were there to share their evaluations and hand out the prizes. General secretary of Europan Norway, Bjørnar Skaar Haveland, hosted the event. 

Check out all the proposals here