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Europan 18


Make a proposal for a new extroverted art museum and with it, a new public space that can help revitalize an isolated part of Midtbyen.


Trondheim art museum and Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum National Museum of Decorative Arts and Design are at a crossroad. They both reside in small introverted buildings that are not up to the task of preserving their collections safely, nor do they have space to do outreach, borrow art from elsewhere, or in other ways engage sufficiently with the public at a time where the participatory role of the museum is becoming ever more important. Since 2006, the public authorities and the museums have investigated a myriad of different solutions, ranging from renovations, additions, and a new building(s) in different locations around the city. 

Several reports point to the benefits of relocating both of these museums together in a new building downtown. The benefits of relocation are many: spaces built to accommodate the needs of modern museums, an architecture that can be more transparent and allow for hosting more events, temporary exhibitions, workshops and public programs that are inviting for new and younger audiences, all in a more efficient organization structure.

Furthermore, the new museum building can create synergies with other artistic, cultural and commercial activities in the city and provide a much needed infrastructure for Trondheim's fragmented art scene. The selected site is a parking structure next to the Trøndelag theater, across from a busy artery road that divides the downtown. The new museum building can provide this part of town a much needed public space, in synergy with neigboring institutions. This could create a pull factor to help revitalize a slightly undeveloped part of downtown and give Trondheim a museum that is the city worthy.

Photos of the site


Equip the museum to take on its expanded societal role, encouraging synergies with neighbouring institutions, as it merges their two existing museums of arts and crafts. With this in mind:

  1. How does an extrovert museum with adjacent public spaces engage with its surrounding city, its neighbours, inhabitants, and passers-by?
  2. How can the existing structure of over and underground parking be considered and potentially adapted, retained, or reused within a new building design?
  3. How can we find ways to include additional partners, programs, and functions, to reflect the museum's extroverted role, on a site that is generous enough to accommodate more than just the museum itself?
Areal photo of the site Leutenhaven.

Site map

The reflection site (red line) is spanning across the west part of Midtbyen. 
The project site (yellow line) is consisting of the parking Leüthenhaven.
The two existing museums, Trondheim art museum and Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum National Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, are marked with red surfaces.

Site facts

214 000 inhabitants
Project site
0.9 ha
Site proposed by
Museums of Southern -Trøndelag (MiST)
1st prize: 12 000 EUR, 2nd prize: 6 000 EUR
MiST has the intention of awarding the winning team a follow up contract to develop the proposal further.

Register now

To compete you must register your team on the Europan competition portal. The registration fee is 100EUR and will give you access to maps, images and 3d models. It will also allow you to ask questions anonymously.


Registrations open and details made public
3rd of March 2025
Kick off seminar
18th of March 2025
Submission deadline
29th of June 2025
Results announced
17th of November 2025
The site seen from northwest.

Submitted projects