Sharing is caring - commoning Åkrehamn
Commoning Åkrehamn
The city of Åkrehamn lies between the north atlantic ocean and the island of Karmøy,
between the deep sea, coastal landscape, and fields of historical cultivated landscape.
This project aims to reestablish and give a foundament for Åkrehamn to grow into a lively
city with strong cultural identity, and growing economy. This development will evolve
alongside with nature, and this is essential for a sustainable future, og coexistence.
The surroundings of “Åkra” have an abundance of natural resources and areas with
protected nature surrounding it. And with its people famous for being doers and getting
things done, thre are both resources within the people and surroundings.
However; the city as a physical space, and inhabitants we talked to, tells us that this place
also have some challenges than need to be dealt with.
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