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The design strategy focuses on the creation of a cycle-pedestrian path from the city to the sea. Interventions are proposed to make the route pleasant on a sensory level and interesting on a socio-cultural level.


The design strategy focuses on the creation of a cycle-pedestrian path from the city to the sea. Interventions are proposed to make the route pleasant on a sensory level and interesting on a socio-cultural level.Bøkkerfjellet is the centre of the intervention; from here it is possible to access the park and the library or continue the pathway. The library is located at the entrance to the park and is conceived as a 'threshold' building; a meeting point between the city and the park. The basement path is an experience immersed in the human and geological history of the city; it recreates the atmosphere of the old Larvik quarry.The harbour has been restored and provided with a new urban park, which together with the vertical link on Bøkkerfjellet, is the hinge between the city and the sea.


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