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Canned heat

We have decided to plant the seeds for an invasion of a forest that can revive the site: each tree will be a structural profile, prefabricated, assembled with accessories for different programs.

We have decided to plant the seeds for an invasion of a forest that can revive the site: each tree will be a structural profile, prefabricated, assembled with accessories for different programs. The forest will occupy the ground floor, providing shade in the summer and a canopy of lights in the winter, elevating the circulations to the upper floor of the buildings, touching them in order to reanimate its use and integration in the whole complex.

Beyond the several demands the program has asked for, we have created public fireplaces on the groundfloor, in the heart of these profiles, that heat up a water system of pipes that travel through the walkway and may touch the buildings to provide them an extra source of canned heat. Life will happen without interruptions, and with vibrant movement.


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